PTCS Testimonials
I want to thank you so very much for a great course taught this past weekend, 7/27-28/2024. The material we covered was fascinating, and I found you engaging, and very knowledgeable as an instructor. I left feeling like I gained so much that I can incorporate into my private practice. As stated during the course, you awakened the nerd within! My love for anatomy was set free. From the pathology and clinical review, to the techniques taught, to your willingness to answer questions, and even the time management was top tier. I just can't say enough how much value you brought to us, and I'd be thrilled to attend or be a part of any additional training courses you offer in the future.
Sherry Fields, LMT (Baltimore, MD) 7/28/24
"I traveled 4-5 hrs hoping it would be worth it and it was. A great course full of information, demonstration, and plenty of hands-on practice. Chris was very personable when I had questions about present "aches and pains" as well information that needed clarification. We currently keep in touch about future courses coming near my area. Thanks again Chris!
Heath Walker, PTA
Email: jhw0327@yahoo.com
Attended November 13, 2016 attended One-Day, Foundation of manual therapy, lumbopelvic stabilization & exercise tweekology in Jacksonville, FL
"Chris was a great instructor, thank you it was a great class. You covered a lot of information packed in 8 hours. I thought your presentation and knowledge of the matter was excellent and learned a lot from the hands-on portion of the seminar".
Roberto Carrero, CPT
June 2016 One-Day Movement and Corrective Exercise BSC Seminar
"I have learned a lot with this course. I had knowledge before, though it is great to have some sort of a reminder with the basics, over the years we tend to forget about some things. The course covers the basic knowledge that any trainer should have which is great. This courses really goes into a much deeper understanding of how the body really works. To me this course is the most complete I have ever read, it covers anatomy, biomechanics, conditioning for specific sports, common injuries or conditions. It is a lot of knowledge to go through and to understand but worth it if you want to be a good trainer. I did like the way each unit flowed. Makes it a lot easier to learn and remember. I have been able to apply some of my new knowledge to my clients especially that most of them lack of mobility to begin with and most of them have injuries. I highly recommend it."
Cyrielle Bonnard(South Africa)
Personal Trainer
February 6, 2016, Purchased All Five Home Study Courses on Human Movement
"I learned new manual techniques as well as many effective exercises, that included how to progress, incorporating core strengthening and balance." "I really enjoyed the course, and overall, thought it was a great course!." "I look forward to taking another course from you in the future."
Pamela Coburn, PTA
Email: prcoburn@yahoo.com
Attended 10/1/15 One-Day Manual Therapy, L/S, Exercise Tweekology Course in Manchster, NH
"You and your presentation and teaching of the one-day "Manual therapy, lumbo-pelvic stabilization, and Exercise
Tweekology course" was outstanding! The delivery of the evidence-based researched and practical application of various methods from the leading pioneers in Manual Therapy was brilliant in the area understanding patients with various pains. You kept us engaged, thinking and learning. The ability to have us learning from one another was
stimulating and very helpful.Thanks for your professionalism and being a truly great teacher!"
Inna Krueger, CPT, CES, RYT, YFS, YFP
Kinesiologist-Fitness Specialist-Personal Trainer
Kennedy Brothers Physical Therapy, Boston, MA
Email: inayoga@gmail.com
Attended 9/13/15 One-Day Manual Therapy, L/S, Exercise Tweekology Course in Worcester, MA
“Chris’s passion for teaching and continuing education is unparalleled. He is very focused and determined to give fitness professionals unprecedented education for them to be best in their field, as well as serve their clients with uncompromising service.. It has been an honor to stay in contact with Chris throughout these years as he strives to give fitness professionals scientifically based knowledge, yet within their scope of practice. I recommend Chris and his programs to help educate all fitness professionals.” “I would highly recommend your programs to anyone who works in the personal training field, group fitness, or athletes. The information would help someone identify movement dysfunction and help one design effective programs to improve movement quality! “ Sherwood Minor, CPT(Maryland) September 2014 email: hcchealth@hotmail.com
“The information from unit 2 covered the different types of postural disorders, their related movement dysfunction, and corrective exercises has helped me fix the posture of my focus group members. Some of the neurology and physiology was a nice review from my undergrad. The pictures were also very helpful with learning the material and applying it to clients. I absolutely loved the content of the package that I purchased from you and the information has reaped many rewards with its application. Andrew Heaton, MEd, CSCS, CPT, USAW, KBC Purchased SOHM Course (5/1/14) Apple Valley, MN
“Thank you so much as I truly enjoyed the course today. I have been to many courses and have learned alot, but your instruction seemed to “fill in the gaps” so to speak. Your knowledge of the human body and how it moves is apparent in your teaching and explanations. “ Elizabeth Frano, CPT Pure Fitness Seminar June 2014
email: lizfrano@gmail.com
“I want to thank you for coming to Pure Fitness and presenting such a great seminar. I truly took a lot away from it that I can start to use right away. You combined lecture with enough demonstration so I can’t really make any suggestions, I thoroughly enjoyed it,” John (Rick) Tocco, CPT Pure Fitness Seminar June 2014
“An in-depth lecture, that was detailed, interactive and practical. There was great explanation, discussion towards questions. A very hands-on course, where I learned a lot!” Personal trainer Goodlife Health Club Seminar Kingswood, South Australia, December 2011
“I absolutely loved the course! It truly challenged me and really made me think about how I train my clients. Your course and certification opened my eyes and gave me a whole new perspective on training and the way our bodies work. Also, helped me substantially with the rehabilitation and post-surgery training of my hip. This advanced training helped me in my own personal rehab and in training others with injuries, previous and present, you were an excellent teacher and I never thought I could learn that much information in two days!” “
Stephanie Harris, MS, BS, APT, CPT Advanced Training Specialist (ATS) September 2009
“I wanted to share with you since going through your challenging course and now becoming certified, how much it has changed the way I train clients. A new client that I met recently is an 83-year-old woman who’s been a member for a long time, with osteoporosis, bilateral unrepaired RTC tears, and 2 total hip replacements (10 yrs apart). She swims for exercise but understands her need for land-based exercise for bone health. Just wanted to share this with you. “I was so grateful for the understanding of the advanced knowledge and what I have gained from your course. I was able to consult with her confidently, design an effective great program for her to follow, and she is very happy with how things are progressing. Thank you for upgrading me as a trainer.”
Janis Weber, ATS, CPT Las Vegas, Nevada Advanced Training Specialist(ATS) (2009)
"Chris took the complex scientific issues behind the synergistic movement pattern conveying in a way that was very practical and easily understood” The material was comprehensive, Chris was very interactive and I would highly recommend to my colleagues” Bruce from Town Sports International (TSI), DC Seminar June 2008
“I wanted to take this time to tell you how much I enjoyed your weekend seminar at Rockville. I have been training for 7 years now and over the last few months I have been losing my spark and drive with training. After this weekend I feel rejuvenated and have my spark back. Your course challenged me and made me think deeper. I have already used many new things I’ve learned at your course and it has helped me to sell a 48 session package to someone who has MS because I feel more confident and knowledgeable.” Jonathan R. FITNESS MANAGER Gold’s GYM in Rockville, MD Seminar May 2008
“The material gives an in-depth and thorough look at how our bodies move and function as a unit something many personal trainers do not have a good understanding of. The practical applications and breakdowns were very specific and offer a great deal of understanding to those completing the course. I do believe this is a great course that will greatly help the majority of personal trainers understand and help improve the lives of their clients to reach their goals. Too many personal trainers do not have an adequate understanding of the human body and this course is going to be what helps them gain that knowledge and impact lives.”The course meets or exceeds all other courses of its type in all respects. The expectations, learning objectives, and rationale for the course are clear and will build advanced knowledge.” Elizabeth P., MS, ATC, CSCS, NASM-CPT, CES Maryland Course Reviewer of Synergy of Human Movement Foundations Course
“The course exceeds all other courses that I have reviewed. This course offers better in-depth understanding of anatomy and movement and is a great compliment to a personal training certification.”
Karen K., JD, MA, BS, CES, LMT, CPT Colorado Course Reviewer of Synergy of Human Movement Foundations Course
"This course offers a better understanding of anatomy and movement. It is a great compliment to a personal trainer who has a base personal training certification. The course information provides invaluable information to better and truly understand human movement.” Elizabeth K., M.A., B.S., CPT Seattle, WA Course Reviewer of Synergy of Human Movement Foundations Course
“This course promotes that trainers truly understand more than just an assessment while simplifying the complex interactions of the human body and how it works, how biomechanically the human body is supposed to move while taking in consideration the learning of the client’s health, history, and goals. This course is recommended to fitness professionals to provide the highest quality of scientific and evidenced-based education in the study of human movement.” Janine K., MS, ACE, AEA Pennsylvania Course Reviewer of Synergy of Human Movement Foundations Course
“I have been in the personal training area since 1992 and have attended a fair amount of workshops, did many home study courses and have reviewed quite a few courses and feel that the information that Chris provided is invaluable. This very complex information is presented in a concise manner that enhances the reader’s retention. I strongly believe that there is a void in the Continuing Education arena for this science based information and exercise prescription for personal trainers. This course also discusses, in great detail, sport specific training modalities that become better understood due to the science behind the movement of the human body. This course was a pleasure to review and I strongly recommend it.”-Deborah G. ACE Course Reviewer